Warhawk Band Boosters
Since 1990, the Warhawk Band Boosters (WBB) has served as a support organization for the Germantown Band Department. As a non-profit 501c3 incorporated organization, the goal of the WBB is to perpetuate public interest in the activities of the Band Department, and to provide financial and physical support through fundraising and volunteer assistance.
The WBB provides financial support for equipment, music camps, and college scholarships each year. They also host and participate in numerous annual events, including the July 4th Parade, Marching Band Madness, and the Feast and Follies Dinner Show. Instrumental in the funding of the G-Town Wall of Sound and many other activities, the WBB is also a contributing sponsor of the Germantown Community Band, the GHS musical, and the GHS chapter of the Tri-M Music Honor Society. The WBB maintains this website and provides financial and volunteer assistance to numerous other activities throughout the year.
Get the fastest updates for rehearsal reminders, sudden cancellations, and competition results and return times by signing up for Remind Alerts. Your personal info remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number.
Text Messages : Text @ghswosfan to 81010
Email Messages : Sign up at www.remind.com/join/ghswosfan
The informal parent section at home football games is the “Far 40” (closer to the concessions stand). At basketball games, parents typically sit in the visiting families section to best see the pep band. Come and cheer your kids on!
WBB Executive Board
President: Carolyn Verhaalen, email
Vice President: Sarah Knutsen
Treasurer: Tammy Ray, email
Secretary: Mike DeBisschop
Fundraising: Angie Birler, email & Andrea Breen, email
Volunteers: Dan Bishop & Angie Packer, email
Band Director: Jonathan Bell, email
Band Director: Andy Stone, email
The Warhawk Band Boosters thanks the following sponsors for their support of instrumental music education and their generous contribution to the Germantown High School Band Program. Without their support our program would not be such a great success.
Band Ambassadors ($2000+)
Conductors ($750–$1999)
Drum Majors ($350–$749)
Musicians ($100–$349)
Ace Hardware
Adventure Rock
Battlehouse Lazer Combat
Blonde Ginger
Bob Rogers Travel
Crumble Cookie
Daub Orthodontics
Gathering on the Green
Germantown American Legion
Germantown Fire Department
Germantown High School
Germantown Performing Art Center
Glue Dots
Greiten Family
Green Bay Packers
Hofer Family
Kehr's Candies
Kiwanis Club of Germantown, WI
Lake Geneva Canopy Tours
Milwaukee Ballet
Milwaukee Food & City Tours
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Nuchikat Family
Pink Lemonade
Pool Park
Road America Robinson Family
Schrafnagel Family
Sendik's Food Market
Starzman Family
Stryker Family
Summerfest-Milwaukee World Festival
Tres Chic
Tri M Honor Society
Truffles Bakery
UnderWater Connections
The Vault
Wisconsin Test Prep
Band Fans ($10–$99)
Bank of Flowers
Buffalo Wild Wings
Burghart's Sporting Goods
Cave of the Mounds
Cooper's Hawk
Germantown Cleaners
Harbor Freight
Hot House Tavern
Just Kiln Time
Kendra Scott
Little Switzerland
Lynden Sculpture Garden
Milwaukee Art Museum
Milwaukee Brewers
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee Youth Orchestra
Old Germantown
Outpost Natural Foods
Parallel 44 & Vineyard
Pioneer Bowl
Schauer Arts Center
Third Space Brewing
Washington County Fairgrounds
Thank you to all of our loyal members! Without their support our program would not be such a great success.
Erin & Greg Anderson
Lou & Joanna Grossi
Beth & Jermie Keller
Sarah & Nathan Knutsen
Brett Nicol
David & Brandy Stanke
Principal Players
Amanda & Jeremy Ahrndt
Ann Binzak
Leah Cull
Michael DeBisschop
Scott & Beth DeChant
Lynn Gaskill
Ali Gattoni
Cassie & Lenny Hanson
Craig & Sydney Hofer
Hope Ingle
Megan & Greg Kirsch
Doug Kobza
Kristen & Jon Laack
Katey & Paul Martinka
Connie Masterman
Kathy & John Morency
Becky & Jeff Osterbeck
Zofia & Witold Paw
Norma & Steve Tretheway
Robert & Patricia Schuette
Karen Umbreit
Toube Xiong & Nou Vang
Angela Birler
Dan Bishop & Angie Packer
Scott & Esther Borth
Scott & Andrea Breen
Jessica & Kelly Chapin
Lisa Dawes
John & Stacie Delain
Sandra & Bradley Deml
Jenna & Dominic Foscato
Jessica & John Grekso
Melissa Harris
Crystal & Keith Kuzera
Betsy Lauterbach
Toby Masterman
Kathy & Chris Meinecke
Sheila & Mike Nally
Kathy & Sandeep Nuchikat
Tracy Parker
Libby & Bryan Quesenberry
Cara & Shawn Reimer
Lori & Patrick Sullivan
Carolyn Verhaalen
Tom & Carli Weber
Cassie & Jeremy Wilson
Band Fans
Faye Aebly
Kelsey Myers
Amanda & Brian Borchardt
Eric & Kristen Brown
Laura Cottrill
Shana Greenwich
Marty & Sarah Grubanowitch
Laura Sanders
Mark & Amber Hildebrandt
Faith Kearl
Sarah & Mark Koenig
Amy & Robert Kulik
Erica LeTourneau
Nicole Litscher
Tammy & Tom Molke
Jerel & Mary Olstad
Karen Paschke
Christine Prescott
Tammy & Doug Ray
Lori & Eric Rheingans
Jesse Roelke
Kara & Dan Roeming
Carolyn Seboe
Melissa & Kristian Spiering
Jennifer Starzman
Jennifer & Kyle Steffen
Becky & Mike Tucker
Denise Glodoski
Lisa & Jim Vick
Ann & Chris Winge
Nicki & Jeff Zimmer